Farahoush smart equipment

What products does Farahoush smart equipment include? Next, we will get to know the family of Farahoush smart equipment.

Touch switch family:

This family is the largest group of smart products and equipment produced by Farahoush Group, which includes touch switches:
Light switches that are produced from single to 9 gang.
Scenario switches, smart thermostats, smart Touch Evaporative Cooler Switch

, smart curtains, toilets, alarm chassis, elevator summons and roller shutter doors.

All of these smart switches are produced in five types; simple touch, RF, wifi, LoRa and Modbus, which can have both 220V and 24V voltages. These smart devices provide the ability to make any building smart. It is important to remember that these switches are designed in accordance with the prevailing conditions in the wiring of Iranian buildings in such a way that they can be easily implemented and executed in traditional platforms without the need for any carving or wiring.