4 channel 433 MHz remote control

4-channel remote control (parking door remote control) Codelern metal body with a working frequency of 433 MHz, which is powered by a 12-volt battery, is ready to work, and with the help of a 4-channel Codeleren remote receiver, it is easy to control several devices through relays. turned off and on.These types of remotes are used in cases such as lighting remotes, automatic door remotes, chandeliers and decorative lights and showcases, all kinds of electrical appliances and pumps.


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4-channel 433 MHz remote control with a metal body, or 4-channel beta remote control, has a 12-volt battery for remotes and is ready to work. In Codelern remotes, a common identifier between the remote and the receiver is determined by software; By pressing a button on the receiver, the receiver is in recognition mode and by pressing a button on the remote, the code related to that remote is stored in the receiver’s memory, and after that the commands issued by the remote can be received by the receiver. And it will be decoded.
The remotes are the means of transmitting commands to the control center and since the working frequency of the remote and the receiver must be the same so that the process of sending and receiving information between them is possible, these remotes can be easily controlled with the help of a 4-channel remote control receiver. They can turn on and off several devices through relays.
Due to the stability of the communication code between the remote and the receiver as well as the limited variety of selected codes, there is a possibility of copying in Codelern remotes, and this can be done easily with the help of communication code identification devices, therefore this type of Remotes are mostly used in cases such as automatic door remotes, lighting and chandelier remote controls, all kinds of household or industrial electrical appliances, pumps, decorative lights and showcases.
These remotes are very suitable for parking garage door control, so they are also called parking garage door remotes.

To inquire about the price of 4-channel remote control with 433 MHz frequency, to place an order and ask any questions, contact our experts.

Additional information
فرکانس کاری

433 MHZ

نوع کدینگ


آی سی کدینگ


ولتاژ کاری

12V by battery

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